A venue to stream events live

Create unmissable online experiences

Virtual events made easy

Move your events online & reach a global audience. Our all-in-one live streaming software lets you host virtual events with ease, securely.

Sell tickets directly from your website

Our virtual events platform seamlessly slots into your own website, fully customisable and branded. Sell tickets from your bespoke event page, keep track of your sales in real-time and capture customer information to maximise ticket sales.
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Stream your events live & connect with your audience

We’ve made it super simple for you to host online events on your website. Our virtual events platform embeds your stream automatically, and lets your attendees join from anywhere, with any device.

We’ve teamed up with Vimeo, Youtube, and Zoom to offer different features depending on your requirements. The choice is yours.

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Keep your stream private

Security is just as important online as it is on the ground. We've focused on privacy and security considerations with our virtual events platform.

By directly embedding the live stream into your website, we're able to restrict user access. Ticket holders are limited to one view session per ticket, if the stream link is copied the link will not be valid.

Your online event is 100% private & secure.

One platform for all your tools

Create, manage and analyse your campaigns from your Nutickets dashboard with a range of extensions.

Create your perfect software package with add-on features.